
Îmbrăcămintea tactică: între necesitate și vestimentație stradală

Îmbrăcămintea tactică: între necesitate și vestimentație stradalăPrincipala diferență dintre îmbrăcămintea obișnuită de îmbrăcămintea tactică este scopul din spatele acesteia.
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Colectionam amintiri din armata

Colectionam amintiri din armataCineva bate la usa, deschizi si vezi un ofiter care iti inmaneaza o bucata de hartie. E scris numele si data la care sa te prezinti la Comisariat pentru a incepe procesul de recrutare in armata: drumul tau spre viata de soldat. Ce amintiri iti trezeste aceasta fraza? In acest articol vei retrai amintiri din armata, iar noi te vom ajuta sa le colectionezi.
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THE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL GEAR LISTIn fiecare zi, hotaram in prealabil, ceea ce vom manca, bea si purta, intotdeauna dorim sa avem un plan astfel incat ziua noastra sa se desfasoare mai usor. Pregatirea pentru situatii de urgenta nu ar trebui sa fie diferita. Cand dezastrul este provocat, avem cu totii un lucru in comun, dorinta de a supravietui.
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150 Years of Boker

150 Years of BokerIncepand cu anul 1869, cutitele celebre cu faimosul copac ca logo Boker au fost fabricate manual in orasul Solingen, orasul lamei. Acestia sunt foarte mandrii cand se uita inapoi, vazand ca istoria, prin care compania a trecut de-a lungul celor 15 decenii, continua.
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365+ Buri Armor Chest Rig Carrier

365+ Buri Armor Chest Rig Carrier

What is it?

The interesting thing about this piece of equipment is that it can function as a plate carrier, or if a chest rig is more desired, can be transformed into one. The front part stays unaffected, but the built in mounting system allows the operator to drop the back plate carrier and use it as a typical chest rig with the front plate only. Another interesting feature is that it comes with the whole set of pouches. The front panel contains 6 built in bungee pouches for anything between AR and AK magazines. The bungee can be adjusted and I had to make them shorted for my G36 Magpul magazines. It looks like by default it comes configured for longer, AK style mags.

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Back to nature Teesar 100L Backpack

Back to nature Teesar 100L Backpack

Back to nature!

After a long break, I finally found the time to be back on the trail and sleep in the countryside. As is often the case, it has once again become later than planned and so it becomes a race with the early darkness.

This time I carry a new Teesar® 100 l backpack. Even with a 20 kg load this backpack offers convenience over a longer period of time. Nevertheless it is good that my camp site is close by. So I can prepare my sleeping place in the remaining daylight.

It's dry and I do not need to put a tarp but can sleep right under the stars. Nevertheless, I packed the tarp, space enough is in the Teesar®.

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IdoSell Trusted Reviews
4.61 / 5.00 2399 reviews
IdoSell Trusted Reviews
Foarte multumit!
Great service, products delivered in 3 working days. The boots - excelent. They fit perfectly and in 1 week I feel very confident about the choice i made.